HEART OF THE STONES: In Praise of Charlie Watts, June 2, 1941-August 24, 2021

On the occasion of the late, great Rolling Stones drummer Charlie Watts’ birthday.

RPM: Jonathan Perry's Life in Analog

Charlie Watts' Ludwig drum kit, 1965-1968

“Charlie’s good tonight in’nit he?” — Mick Jagger, Madison Square Garden, 1969.

Charlie Watts’s drum kit was a pitch-perfect reflection of the man who sat behind it for The Rolling Stones for nearly 60 years: modest yet essential.

Charliefamously eschewed rock drum solos as frivolous, show-offy expressions of ego. A lifelong jazz devotee and a keen student of elegance, economy, and swing behind the set, Watts liked to think of his six-decade tenure as drummer for one of the world’s most celebrated and enduring rock bands as his day job. It was a gig that enabled him, ages ago, to indulge his childhood dream and desire to lead jazz ensembles and play the music that really mattered to him.

Not that the Stones’s music didn’t matter. Far from it.

Young Charles Robert Watts, dreaming of jazz glory

Yes, there is the amusing anecdote of a pre-dawn Watts shaving and…

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