Category The Glands

DOUBLE THRILLER ON THE RHYME: The Glands’ Ross Shapiro, 1963-2016

The Glands were the perfect, enigmatic epitome of ‘indie-rock’ (whatever and however you conjure the term), and a woolly little ball of fuzzy contradictions. They were over-achieving, under-heard slackers from the coolly independent musical hotbed of Athens, Georgia, yet somehow, always seemed to stand apart from it. They were beloved and aloof. They made and released a […]

Writings by (and about) Greil Marcus


A music blog. rock. punk. garage. power pop. vinyl. cd. dvd. bluray. books.

The Department of Tangents

Conversations About Comedy, Music, and Horror ETC

The Baseball Bloggess

Loves the 4-6-3 and the Serial Comma.

Let there be Elvis

Just another story for the great heap

Coco Crisp's Afro

A baseball publication that embraces the absurdity of life, the 8-1 putout, and the history of the OAKLAND Athletics (


A topnotch site

Cardboard Gods

Voice of the Mathematically Eliminated

interrupting my train of thought

a website about a book by phil dellio