Category Scruffy The Cat

SCRUFFY THE CAT SCRATCH FEVER: New Album, Anthology Due from Beloved ’80s Boston Combo

If there’s one karmic upside to late Scruffy The Cat frontman Charlie Chesterman’s battle with the cancer that claimed him in November of last year at the too-young age of 53, it’s that the music and catalog of his best-known, roots-rocking Boston outfit received new attention and a long-overdue reappraisal (via the benefit reunion show Scruffy performed to raise funds […]

Writings by (and about) Greil Marcus


A music blog. rock. punk. garage. power pop. vinyl. cd. dvd. bluray. books.

The Department of Tangents

Conversations About Comedy, Music, and Horror ETC

The Baseball Bloggess

Loves the 4-6-3 and the Serial Comma.

Let there be Elvis

Just another story for the great heap

Coco Crisp's Afro

A baseball publication that embraces the absurdity of life, the 8-1 putout, and the history of the OAKLAND Athletics (


A topnotch site

Cardboard Gods

Voice of the Mathematically Eliminated

interrupting my train of thought

a website about a book by phil dellio