Tag Archives: Calexico

DAYS OF DESERT DREAMS: Steve Wynn’s Syndicate of Sound

How do you live up to — or down, such as the case may be — a uniformly, universally recognized classic debut album that becomes the artistic barometer for everything you write, record, and release from that moment on? (The easy answer is, you don’t). Singer-songwriter Steve Wynn has had this unenviable task for more […]


Writings by (and about) Greil Marcus


A music blog. rock. punk. garage. power pop. vinyl. cd. dvd. bluray. books.

The Department of Tangents

Conversations About Comedy, Music, and Horror ETC

The Baseball Bloggess

Loves the 4-6-3 and the Serial Comma.

Let there be Elvis

Just another story for the great heap

Coco Crisp's Afro

A baseball publication that embraces the absurdity of life, the 8-1 putout, and the history of the OAKLAND Athletics (cococrispafro@gmail.com)


A topnotch WordPress.com site

Cardboard Gods

Voice of the Mathematically Eliminated

interrupting my train of thought

a website about a book by phil dellio